Monday, April 15, 2024

Navigating a Changing Climate: Challenges and Opportunities for Sindh

The fertile plains and vibrant culture of Sindh, Pakistan, are under siege. Climate change disrupts the very rhythm of life in the province. Rising temperatures translate to scorching summers and unpredictable monsoon seasons, leading to devastating floods and prolonged droughts. Coastal communities face a different threat – encroaching sea levels that slowly devour their land. These challenges threaten food security, infrastructure, and the livelihoods of millions.

But amidst the adversity, a flicker of hope remains. Sindh boasts a rich history of adaptation. Its communities, forged in resilience, have long navigated the vagaries of the Indus River. This inherent strength offers a powerful foundation upon which to build climate-resilient solutions. Embracing sustainable practices and fostering collaboration across sectors can unlock a wave of opportunities for the province.

Investing in climate-smart agriculture, for instance, can equip farmers with drought-resistant crops and water-saving irrigation techniques. Early warning systems for extreme weather events, coupled with robust evacuation plans, can minimize casualties from floods and heatwaves. Prioritizing infrastructure that can withstand heat and rising water levels is critical for long-term stability. By harnessing innovation and empowering communities, Sindh can navigate a changing climate and emerge as a beacon of sustainability for the region.


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Content Writing: Engaging Audiences and Driving Action


Content writing is the art of crafting written materials specifically designed for various media platforms. This includes websites, blogs, social media, marketing collateral, newsletters, and beyond. The goal is to produce engaging, relevant, and valuable content that resonates with a target audience's needs and interests.

Content writing is a cornerstone of content marketing. By providing valuable information, insights, or entertainment, content marketing aims to attract, engage, and retain a specific audience. Essentially, content writers act as translators, using their writing skills to effectively convey messages, ideas, and stories in a way that compels and resonates with the reader.

The process typically involves researching, organizing, and presenting information in a clear, engaging, and audience-specific manner. Content writers create a diverse range of content, including articles, blog posts, social media captions, product descriptions, case studies, white papers, and more.

Ultimately, the goal of content writing is to provide value. This can take many forms, such as informing the audience, solving their problems, educating them, entertaining them, or inspiring them. The ultimate aim is to drive desired actions, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or sharing the content with others. To achieve this, content writers often leverage keywords, search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, and other strategies that enhance content discoverability and search engine ranking.

In conclusion, content writing is the process of creating engaging, relevant, and valuable written content for a specific audience. It aims to attract and retain that audience while driving desired actions. Success in this field requires strong writing skills, research abilities, and a deep understanding of the target audience and their preferences.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Demise of Prof. Ajmal: A Wake-Up Call for Resilience in Sindh

Another day, another loss. The recent murder of Prof. Ajmal in Sindh, Pakistan has once again brought to the forefront the urgent need for building resilience in the region. Prof. Ajmal was not just a victim of senseless violence, but also a symbol of the larger issues that plague society in Sindh. His tragic death serves as a wake-up call for the people of Sindh to come together and address the underlying problems that contribute to violence and social injustice.

Prof. Ajmal's murder is a stark reminder of the pervasive issue of guns in the wrong hands. Guns, which were meant to protect innocent lives, have become tools of violence in the hands of tyrants and ignorants. They have been used to silence voices, perpetrate feuds, and take away precious lives. The tragic loss of Prof. Ajmal is a poignant reminder that it is high time to address the root causes of violence and work towards building a more resilient society.

One of the key issues that needs to be addressed is the caste-based community system that has been prevalent in Sindh for years. This system perpetuates discrimination, division, and violence among different communities based on their caste or family name. The murder of Prof. Ajmal, allegedly a result of a tribal feud stemming from 'honour killing' years ago, underscores the need to break free from this archaic system that has only caused harm and hindered progress.

In addition, the failure of the state in ensuring the enforcement of law and provision of justice is a significant contributing factor to the prevailing violence in Sindh. The lack of accountability and ineffective law enforcement has allowed tyrants to continue their reign of terror, while victims are left without justice. Prof. Ajmal's murder highlights the urgent need for the state to take proactive measures to protect its citizens, uphold the rule of law, and ensure that perpetrators of violence are held accountable, regardless of their social status or influence.

Social media has become a powerful platform for raising voices and seeking justice in cases like Prof. Ajmal's murder. However, the impact of social media activism is often short-lived, and real change requires addressing the underlying issues comprehensively. Mere condemnation on social media or running trends for justice may not bring long-term solutions unless the root causes of violence and social injustice are addressed.

Building resilience against violence and social injustice in Sindh requires a multi-faceted approach. Education and awareness play a crucial role in dispelling ignorance and fostering a sense of tolerance and inclusivity. It is essential to invest in education and promote critical thinking, empathy, and open-mindedness among individuals, especially the youth. Educating people about human rights, equality, and social justice can create a foundation for building a more equitable and inclusive society.

Holding the state accountable for ensuring the enforcement of law and provision of justice is also critical. This requires reforms in the legal system, including ensuring an independent judiciary, strengthening law enforcement agencies, and eliminating corruption and nepotism from the system. The state must prioritize the protection of citizens' rights and take strict action against those who violate them, irrespective of their social status or influence.

Promoting a culture of tolerance, inclusivity, and respect for diversity is also essential in building resilience against violence and social injustice. Caste-based discrimination, tribal feuds, and other forms of violence are rooted in intolerance, prejudice, and discrimination against individuals or communities based on their caste, religion, ethnicity, or other differences. Promoting a culture that values diversity, promotes inclusivity, and respects the rights of all individuals can foster harmony and social cohesion in society.

Community engagement and participation are also vital in building resilience against violence and social injustice. Communities need to come together, irrespective of their differences, and collectively work towards finding solutions to address the challenges faced by society in Sindh. This includes engaging in dialogues, promoting peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms, and actively participating in initiatives that promote social cohesion, justice, and equality.

In conclusion, the tragic murder of Prof. Ajmal serves as a wake-up call for the people of Sindh to take concrete steps towards building resilience in the face of violence and social injustice. It is imperative to address the root causes of these issues, including caste-based discrimination, ineffective law enforcement, and lack of accountability. Education, awareness, holding the state accountable, promoting a culture of tolerance and inclusivity, and community engagement are key elements in building a more resilient society in Sindh. It is time to come together, stand up against violence, and work towards creating a just and inclusive society where every individual's rights are respected and protected. Let us honor Prof. Ajmal's memory by taking meaningful actions towards a better future for Sindh. Together, we can build a more resilient society where violence has no place, and justice prevails.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Darkness Prevails: Ignorance Defeat Light


Again another light, another ray of hope, another futuristic mind, another friend of many silenced through guns. The guns that never protected innocents, that never defended against the tyrants but always remained in the hands of tyrants and used against the innocents, always remained in the hands of ignorants and used against the bright minds, always remained in the hands of Dictators and used against the ‘bloody’ civilians. Yet another murder, the murder which not only devoid the mother and of father of their son but costs the students of their learning, and the future generations which were supposed to get enlightened from this life. It’s claimed that it’s a tribal feud irked by ‘honour killing’ years ago which costed several innocent life victims largely homicides because of sharing the family name ’Sawand’. 

The society in Sindh needs to seriously deliberate to withdraw from caste-based community system which has already cost us so-much damaged and don’t know how much this will continue to haunt us. 

Beside, ignorance in society, the biggest culprit is State which failed in ensuring enforcement of law and also terribly failed in provision justice.   

I am one of those 100s who just condemned the murder o social media and may be this will continue for next few days and may this might attract social media giants to run trends for justice but the end result will be no different until the tyrants are controlling the law enforcement and judging have more important work to decide between the two bastards that who is the biggest one. 

Can his sacrifice will move society?

Monday, October 28, 2019

Article 149[4]

Last night, news broke that the Federal Government is considering invoking Article 149(4) to impose federal control over Karachi. I later shared this information on Facebook and Twitter.

Thankfully, Barrister Zamir Ghumro clarified on Twitter that this article allows the federal government to issue directives to provinces, not take direct control.

Article 149[4] The Executive Authority of the Federation shall also extend to the giving of directions to a Province as to the manner in which the executive authority thereof is to be exercised for the purpose of preventing any grave menace to the peace or tranquility or economic life of Pakistan or any part thereof.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


جنت جو خيال به عجيب آهي.

لاتعداد نعمتون، جن کي دنيا ۾ تَرڪ ڪبو ته آخرت ۾ جهجيون ٿي ملنديون
بکَ دنيا ۾، طعام جنت ۾
ڏکُ دنيا ۾، سُک جنت ۾
سِڪَ دنيا ۾، ميلاپ جنت ۾
غم دنيا ۾، خوشي جنت ۾
ڪم دنيا ۾، اُجورو جنت ۾،
هر طرف اها دعوٰي آهي ته 
اسين آزمائيش ۾ آهيون
(لڳي ٿو ڪنهنجي فرمائيش تي آهيون)
چون ٿا ته دنيا دوکو آهي، ڪوڙ آهي، آزمائيش آهي. 
پڇان ٿو ته 
اهو دوکو ڏنو ڪنهن؟
اهو ڪوڙ ڳالهايو ڪنهن؟
اها آزمائيش ڇاجي؟ ۽ آزمئيش ۾ وڌو ڪنهن؟
اسان سان اهو کيل ڇو آهي؟
جيئڻ هي ويلُ ڇو آهي؟
او پاڻ کي خدا جا نائيب سمجهندڙ مُلا،
اسان کي ڇڏي ڏيو،
نه کپي جاءِ جنت ۾
نه ڏيو دوزخ جا دڙڪا،
تو بن نٿو لڳي ڪو شيطان 
رهڻ ڏيو اسان کي انسان
ڇڏيو ڪاروبار ڪوڙو
وٺو محنت سان اجُورو
ان خوابي دوزخ ۽ جنت کان مٿي 
سورُ ڏيندڙ 
پيار ڏيندڙ
اُسَ ڏيندڙ
ڇانوَ ڏيندڙ
مهنجهي دنيا آهي
حقيقي دوزخ 
حقيقي جنت


مڃان ٿو مان غلط آهيان

مڃان ٿو مان غلط آهيان
اوهان سان پيار جي غلطي
ٻي ٿي اظهار جي غلطي
پوءِ وري سارَ جي غلطي 
مڃان ٿو مان غلط آهيان

غلط هو دل چيو مونکي 
غلط اکڙين روئاڙيو هو
غلط سوچيم غلط سمجهيم 
غلط سارو نظارو هو
مڃان ٿو مان غلط آهيان

غلط هن دئورَ ڄاواسين
غلط محبوب ٺاهياسين
غلط هو فلسفو سارو
غلط سڀ پنڌَ ڪاٽياسين
مڃان ٿو مان غلط آهيان


خدا جي سيل [sale]

خدا جي سيل جاري آ
ڪِنو هي کيل جاري آ
اهو مُلو، اهو پنڊتُ
ايمان سان ويلُ جاري آ
خدا جي سل جاري آ


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

ڪا سارَ ته لهبي آ ..... تبسم

سڪ سوز ۾ دل ساڙي
محبت جا ڪي مچ ٻاري
ڪا سارَ ته لهبي آ

ڌوڻيو ٿا وڻ ناهيان
ساڙيو ٿا پهڻ ناهيان
جندڙي کي جهونجهاڙي
ڪا سارَ ته لهبي آ

دل واري عجوبي کي
ڪنهن عيد جي تحفي کي
الماريءَ ۾ ٽاري
ڪا سارَ ته لهبي آ

ڪوئيل ٿي ڪوڪاري
تبسم ٿو توکي ساري
ڪنهن شام شفق ڌاري
ڪا سارَ ته لهبي آ

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

جا خدا کان نه ٿي ڳالھ امڪان ۾ - شيخ اياز

جا خدا کان نه ٿي ڳالھ امڪان ۾
ڪاله کان ڳاله آهي سا انسان ۾

هو ته مونکي چتا تي وٺي ٿي ويا
مينهن برسي پيو ڪاله شمشان ۾
ڪاله کان ڳاله آهي سا انسان ۾

بادلو بادلو ڪجھ ته برسي وڃو
رات ترسي وڃو هن بيابان ۾ 
ڪاله کان ڳاله آهي سا انسان ۾. . 

عشق تهنجو اياز آ انسان سان
هو چون ٿا ته تون ناهي ايمان ۾
ڪاله کان ڳاله آهي سا انسان ۾. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

روئان رهن نـ سپرين، آيل ڪريان ڪيئينءَ

"We are not born free; we become free"

The German philosopher Immanuel Kant famously declared, "We are not born free; we become free." This quote challenges the notion of freedom as an inherent right bestowed upon us at birth. Instead, Kant argues that freedom is an ongoing process achieved through the use of reason and responsible decision-making. True freedom, according to Kant, lies in acting autonomously, guided by reason rather than impulses or external pressures. This necessitates a developed sense of moral responsibility, where one recognizes the impact of their choices and strives to act in accordance with ethical principles.

For people living in a controlled democracy like Pakistan, Kant's concept of freedom through reason takes on a particular significance. While certain freedoms of expression, press, or assembly might be restricted, the ability to cultivate reason and make responsible choices remains paramount. Citizens can exercise critical thinking to analyze information and form independent opinions, even within existing limitations. Engaging in allowed forms of civic participation, making ethical decisions in daily life, and supporting initiatives that promote responsible dissent are all ways for Pakistanis to actively pursue freedom within the bounds of their political system. While the path towards achieving greater freedoms might be gradual, Kant's philosophy reminds us that even small, reasoned steps can contribute to a more just and open society.

Monday, August 8, 2016

پکي پرديس جا سورج ، پرن پويان لڙي ٿو پيو....

Hassan Dars

ڏور ٿيندا وڃن روز جوڳيئڙا

شيخ اياز

ڏور ٿيندا وڃن روز جوڳيئڙا،
تون اڃا ٿو جيئين، هاءِ ڙي جيئڙا!

اوچتو مون ڏٺو اُڀُ آسائتو،
رات ڪاري هُئي ڏِيئڙا ڏِيئڙا!

مون نه ڄاتو ته اي سجّ جهڙا پرين!
روز پاتا پئي تو لِڪي ليئڙا!

آءُ منهنجي تڏي، ويههُ اوري اڏي،
ساههُ توکي سڏي، اوءِ سانگيئڙا!

ڇو اياز اڄ وري ڇانوَ ڳولهين پيو؟
پنڌ ڏاڍو پري آهي پانڌيئڙا!

Friday, July 15, 2016

هڪ مند چري آهي--ابراهيم منشي

 ابراهيم منشي

هڪ مند چري آهي، ٻي جا رات ٺري آهي
اهڙي ۾ اچڻ تنهنجو ،ڀاڳن جي ڀري آهي،

ڏس ڪهڙو ڏکڻ گھليو ٿيا ماڪ ڦڙا موتي
۽ويس وڻن ڍڪيو ،پن پنهنجا ڪري پوتي
وري آ تو ورائڻ لاءِ واهوندي وري آهي...

ڏس سنگ هو سارين جا، ڪيئن ڪنڌ نمائن ٿا
۽ هير هلورن تي ڇا ،ساز سڻائن ٿا
ڄڻ سهڻي سنڌو مان ،آئي تا تري آهي.!

مايا نه مڏي مون وٽ، ماڙيون نه ڪي محلاتون
سائو ويس ڍڪيو ڌرتي ،وٺيون ٿر بر برساتيون
اڏي تو لاءِ اسان پيارا ،پکڙي جي ڏري آهي ... اهڙي ۾ ...

ڇا اڀ ڇمر ڇايو، رت ائي بسنتي آ
جٽ جوڙ ٿيا جوڀن ، هر من ۾ مستي آ
هر ڪنهن سان هتي منشي ، پنهنجي حور پري آهي.....

Monday, August 17, 2015

Conquering the Blank Page: My Journey to Defeat Writer's Block

For months, an invisible force field blocked my writing. Excuses piled up like a mental barricade, preventing me from putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, as it is these days). A Google search revealed the culprit: writer's block. The surprising truth? Even the most renowned writers face this foe.

While I may not be a literary giant, the struggle to write resonated deeply. My usual reports and research documents, though valuable, lacked the spark of creative expression. Determined to break free, I delved into resources like the inspiring "500 Words Daily" blog. The idea of writing freely, without the burden of perfection, resonated. So, with a deep breath, I set a goal: 5,000 unedited words a day for the next thirty days.

Even writing this post wasn't easy. The perfectionist in me reared its head. But here's the key – the pressure to craft a flawless masterpiece is the real block. Embracing the freedom to write without editing has been a breath of fresh air.

The beautiful pictures scattered throughout this piece hold a deeper meaning. They were captured by dear friends, reminders of the joy and serenity that enrich my life. Finding peaceful moments for self-reflection is crucial. It's in that quiet space that confusion clears and clarity emerges. Clarity – the missing piece I needed to tackle any topic, no matter how daunting.

Today marks the beginning of my fight against writer's block. With dedication and these daily writing exercises, I'm determined to hone my skills and silence the inner critic. Join me on this journey, and together, let's conquer the blank page!

اڄ جي ڳالهـ

چاهي انسان اعلان ڪندو وتي يا ساري عمر ان کي راز رکي
جيڪا شئي  ان جي ڪمزوري ٿي ويندي آهي اها ئي ان جي 
ناڪاميء جو باعث بڻبي آهي

Friday, July 31, 2015

If This Is a Man!

If This Is a Man By Primo Levi

Primo Levi
You who live safe
In your warm houses,
You who find, returning in the evening,
Hot food and friendly faces:
Consider if this is a man
Who works in the mud,
Who does not know peace,
Who fights for a scrap of bread,
Who dies because of a yes or a no.
Consider if this is a woman
Without hair and without name,
With no more strength to remember,
Her eyes empty and her womb cold
Like a frog in winter.

Meditate that this came about:
commend these words to you.
Carve them in your hearts
At home, in the street,
Going to bed, rising;
Repeat them to your children.
Or may your house fall apart,
May illness impede you,
May your children turn their faces from you.

Song exposes hypocrisy of the world to the REALITY in Palestine

 This Egyptian song is a masterpiece of resistance and hope, weaving together powerful lyrics, haunting melodies, and a stunning visual mont...